mercredi 16 mars 2011

Entrevue d'.. Izak Benrobi

Quel est votre personnage au sein de la série?
I am the homosexual assasin who terrorizes Luiza's character.

Pensez vous en être proche dans la vie?
Too close for comfort :-)

Si non comment avez vous fait pour arriver a le jouer?
I simply placed all my focus on what it owuld be like to be a cold assasin who has no regard for the lives of others.

Enfin raconter nous une anecdote drôle vécue au sein du tournage?
No funny anecdotes really, but I really liked the way it turned out. I enjoyed seeing seeing certain parts of my character on film and the web series overall. I`m pretty impressed with it seeing as how its our first attempt.

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